miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2007

Diary of a Princess

Diary of a princess is a comedy film about one girl called Amelia. She lived with her mother in a little house. They had a normal life until her grandmother appeared. Her grandmother was the queen o Genobia where she lived and she wanted to take Amelia with her.
This brought lots of problems to Amelia because she didn't accept that.

It's a funny and romantic films. I like it very much because I enjoyed.

Character: Anne Hathaway is Amalie and July Andrews is her grandmother.

Vicky Calvo - JUNIORS III

Lizie a pop star

The film is about a girl called Lizie. She graduates from high school and travels to Roma with her friends and best friend Gordon. In Roma she meets Paolo, they start to go out and she transforms in a pop star.

CHARACTERS - Lizie is Hilarie Duff
COMMMENT - The film is very nice because it has songs and beautiful places.

Florencia Meier - JUNIORS III

Cheaper by the dozen

It´s a comedy film. The movie is about a family which has twelve children. The father, Tom, was a football team´s coach. The mum, Kate, was a writer. The sons didn´t like the idea of moving to another city.
The mum had to travel to New York because her book had to be published. Nora, the oldest child, went to help her father while Kate wasn´t there. Children did many funny things to Nora´s boyfriend. She left because she didn´t like it. Other sons hadn´t got a good welcome at school.
Mark felt excluded from the family and decided to go somewhere else.

Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt are the main character. Shawn Levy is the director.
The film is very very funny!!!

Daniela Argañaras - JUNIORS III

High School Musical

High School Musical is a musical film. Troy Bolton is a very important player of the East High School Team. He met Gabriella Montez, an intelligent and shy girl who likes maths. She is new in the school but they met in a party last winter. They discover the music and practise for a contest. Noone knows that except for some friends of them. In the school Sharpay and Ryan are twins who love music and they like winning all time. They compete against Troy and Gariella.
Zac Efron is Troy Bolton, Vanessa Hudgens is Gabriella, Ashley Tislade is Sharpay and Lucas Grabeel.
The film is interesting and the actors are handsome.

Tamara Guadalupe Contín.

The Shaggy Dog

The Shaggy Dog is a comedy movie about a dog from China which is going to live for ever. Scientist stole him to do something bad with him in the USA. In the USA there is a family which isn't united because the father is always working. He is a lawyer. He defends bad companies. Lisa is protesting against them. His daughter finds the dog and she moves to her house where he bites her dad.
Tim Allen plays Mr.Dooglas, Kristin Davis plays Mrs.Dooglas. Spencer Breslin plays Matt(their son) and Zena Grey plays Lisa(Their daughter).
It's a very funny movie because of thing the animals can do.

Nadia Shirley Araneda

Mean Girls

It is a comedy about friendship and the problems teenagers have. Cady lived with her parents in Africa. Suddenly she and her family moved to another city where she had a lot of problems with her friends. One of them, Regina, was an 'alpha' girl who wanted to be the leader. Cady decided to put the school against Regina, but finally, she discovered that she was a mean girl.
The movie is very funnny.
Actors: Lindsay Lohan is Cady.

Abril Ascheri.
Just my luck
Ashley Albright is the most lucky woman in the world. She has an increible job which is about executive of public relations. She has an opportunity to grow in her race that´s to organise a disguises party.
The magnet of the bad luck who´s called Jake, works in a bowling alley where he cleans toilets. He has the opportunity to give to the tycoon of the music, who´s called Damon Phillips a CD of McFly, a music group.
There Ashley and Jake are going to change their luck with an electric kiss.
Ashley is Linday Lohan and Jake is Chris Pine.
It´s funny and romantic...I really like it.

Leila Nataine

Star Wars

The plot of the film:
This film is about a boy who is called Anakin: When he grew he was evil becouse he fought against his master who was called Oi Wan Kenobi. In that moment, Padme, his wife died but 2 babies were born who were called Leila and Luke. When they were born Luke went his uncle and Leila went with a family`s friends. When they grew, Luke found his sister, Leila who was the queen in that moment, but he didnt know that Leila was his sister and the queen too. One day, after that, Leila and luke fought with Lard Varder who was their father but they didn`t know until he died. Luke killed his father and was very sad, and Leila too, but there was peace for ever in the galaxy
The Actors:
The main caracthers are Luke Skywalker and Leila Skywalker, but the story is about Anakin who is Lord Varder.
This film is very funny and with a lot of action...
El Kundo Trebino juniors III

"The lord of the rings "

The plot of the film:
"The lord of the rings "is an action film . It's about two persons , Frodo and Sam who had to throw the "Sauron's" bad ring to the fire of "Mordor" . The Sauron's and Saruman's armies fought with him in the middle of the long way to Mordor. The big eye in Mordor was looking at Frodo so he had to try to do that the eye didn't look at him because everyone knew where Frodo and Sam were and the "Sauron" arny went to kill Frodo . They found a guide in the way called "Golum " who at first guided them but in the end of the way he made a plan to separe Frodo and Sam and stole the ring.

Actors : Orlando bloom plays "Legolas" Vigo Mortensen plays "Aragorn". It's a great film with a lot of ation . I enjoyed it .



Madagascar is a comedy film.The film is about animals.There is a zebra who lives in a zoo whose friends are the lion the giraffe and a hippo.The zebra escapes from the zoo.The lion and his friends find him in a train station. The police find them and send them in a boat to an island.The zebra likes the place but the lion does not.They find some little animals who are scared of ofher animals.
The films is very good
Tomas Rendo. Juniors III

"Harry Potter and the goblet of fire"

The plot of the film:
Harry Potter is a fantasy film about a magical school.Harry Potter is a wizard who lives in London city.He goes to a magical school named Hogwarts.In this film Harry is going to participate in a competition about 3 test.In the first Harry is going to take a golden egg,but a dragon is protecting it.In the second he is going to take one of his friends who is under the water and the last is about a normal maze.

The actors:
The main character is Daniel Radclife(Harry Potter), and the second character are Emma Watson(Hermaionie) and Rupert Wrint(Ron Weasley).

The comment: I like this movie because it is a fantasy film, and this kind of movies are very interesting and long. It`s a very good story.

Patricio Occhiuzzi - JUNIORS III

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2007

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